Source code for speechkit._auth

import time
import uuid

import jwt
import requests

from speechkit.exceptions import RequestError

[docs]def generate_jwt(service_account_id, key_id, private_key, exp_time=360): """ Generating JWT token for authorisation :param string service_account_id: The ID of the service account whose key the JWT is signed with. :param string key_id: The ID of the Key resource belonging to the service account. :param bytes private_key: Private key given from Yandex Cloud console in bytes :param integer exp_time: Optional. The token expiration time delta in seconds. The expiration time must not exceed the issue time by more than one hour, meaning exp_time ≤ 3600. Default 360 :return: JWT token :rtype: string """ if not isinstance(service_account_id, str) or not isinstance(key_id, str): raise ValueError("service_account_id, key_id, must be strings.") if 0 in (len(service_account_id), len(key_id)): raise ValueError("service_account_id, key_id, can't be empty.") if not isinstance(private_key, bytes): raise ValueError("private_key must be bytes string, but got {}".format(type(private_key))) if not isinstance(exp_time, int): raise ValueError("exp_time must be int, but got {}".format(type(exp_time))) if exp_time > 3600: raise ValueError("exp_time ≤ 3600, but got {}".format(exp_time)) now = int(time.time()) payload = { 'aud': '', 'iss': service_account_id, 'iat': now, 'exp': now + exp_time } return jwt.encode( payload, private_key, algorithm='PS256', headers={'kid': key_id} )
[docs]def get_iam_token(yandex_passport_oauth_token=None, jwt_token=None): """ Creates an IAM token for the specified identity. `Getting IAM for Yandex account <>`_ :param string yandex_passport_oauth_token: OAuth token from Yandex OAuth :param string jwt_token: Json Web Token, can be generated by :py:meth:`speechkit.generate_jwt` :return: IAM token :rtype: string """ if not type(yandex_passport_oauth_token) in (str, type(None)): raise TypeError("__init__() yandex_passport_oauth_token: got {} but expected \ type is str or None".format(type(yandex_passport_oauth_token).__name__)) if not type(jwt_token) in (str, type(None)): raise TypeError("__init__() jwt_token: got {} but expected \ type is str or None".format(type(jwt_token).__name__)) if (not yandex_passport_oauth_token and not jwt_token) or (yandex_passport_oauth_token and jwt_token): raise ValueError("Includes only one of the fields `yandex_passport_oauth_token`, `jwt_token`") if yandex_passport_oauth_token: data = {'yandexPassportOauthToken': str(yandex_passport_oauth_token)} else: data = {'jwt': str(jwt_token)} url = "" answer =, json=data) if answer.ok: return answer.json().get('iamToken') else: raise RequestError(answer.json())
[docs]def get_api_key(yandex_passport_oauth_token=None, service_account_id=None, description='Default Api-Key created by `speechkit` python SDK'): """ Creates an API key for the specified service account. :param string yandex_passport_oauth_token: OAuth token from Yandex OAuth :param string service_account_id: The ID of the service account whose key the Api-Key is signed with. :param string description: Description for api-key. Optional. :return: Api-Key :rtype: string """ if not yandex_passport_oauth_token or not service_account_id: raise ValueError("`yandex_passport_oauth_token` and `service_account_id` required.") url = '' headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(get_iam_token(yandex_passport_oauth_token=yandex_passport_oauth_token)) } data = {'serviceAccountId': service_account_id, 'description': description} answer =, headers=headers, json=data) if answer.ok: return answer.json().get('secret') else: raise RequestError(answer.json())
[docs]class Session: """Class provides yandex API authentication.""" IAM_TOKEN = 'iam_token' """Iam_token if iam auth, value: 'iam_token'""" API_KEY = 'api_key' """Api key if api-key auth, value: 'api_key'""" def __init__(self, auth_type, credential, folder_id, x_client_request_id_header=False, x_data_logging_enabled=False): """ Stores credentials for given auth method :param string auth_type: Type of auth may be :py:meth:`Session.IAM_TOKEN` or :py:meth:`Session.API_KEY` :param string | None folder_id: Id of the folder that you have access to. Don't specify this field if you make a request on behalf of a service account. :param string credential: Auth key iam or api key :param boolean x_client_request_id_header: include x-client-request-id. `x-client-request-id` is a unique request ID. It is generated using uuid. Send this ID to the technical support team to help us find a specific request in the system and assist you. To get x_client_request_id_header use `Session.get_x_client_request_id()` method. :param boolean x_data_logging_enabled: A flag that allows data passed by the user in the request to be saved. By default, we do not save any audio or text that you send. If you pass the true value in this header, your data is saved. This data, along with the request ID, will help the Yandex technical support team solve your problem. """ if auth_type not in (self.IAM_TOKEN, self.API_KEY): raise ValueError( "auth_type must be `Session.IAM_TOKEN` or `Session.API_KEY`, but given {}".format(auth_type) ) self._auth_method = auth_type if not isinstance(credential, str): raise ValueError("_credential must be string, but got {}".format(type(credential))) self._credential = credential self.folder_id = folder_id self._x_client_request_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if x_client_request_id_header else None self._x_data_logging_enabled = x_data_logging_enabled
[docs] @classmethod def from_api_key(cls, api_key, folder_id=None, x_client_request_id_header=False, x_data_logging_enabled=False): """ Creates session from api key :param string api_key: Yandex Cloud Api-Key :param string | None folder_id: Id of the folder that you have access to. Don't specify this field if you make a request on behalf of a service account. :param boolean x_client_request_id_header: include x-client-request-id. `x-client-request-id` is a unique request ID. It is generated using uuid. Send this ID to the technical support team to help us find a specific request in the system and assist you. To get x_client_request_id_header use `Session.get_x_client_request_id()` method. :param boolean x_data_logging_enabled: A flag that allows data passed by the user in the request to be saved. By default, we do not save any audio or text that you send. If you pass the true value in this header, your data is saved. This data, along with the request ID, will help the Yandex technical support team solve your problem. :return: Session instance :rtype: Session """ if not isinstance(api_key, str): raise ValueError("Api-Key must be string, but got {}".format(type(api_key))) if len(api_key) == 0: raise ValueError("Api-Key can not be empty.") if folder_id: if not isinstance(folder_id, str): raise ValueError("folder_id must be string, but got {}".format(type(folder_id))) if len(folder_id) == 0: raise ValueError("folder_id must not be empty.") return cls(cls.API_KEY, api_key, folder_id=folder_id, x_client_request_id_header=x_client_request_id_header, x_data_logging_enabled=x_data_logging_enabled)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yandex_passport_oauth_token(cls, yandex_passport_oauth_token, folder_id, x_client_request_id_header=False, x_data_logging_enabled=False): """ Creates Session from oauth token Yandex account :param string yandex_passport_oauth_token: OAuth token from Yandex.OAuth :param string folder_id: Id of the folder that you have access to. Don't specify this field if you make a request on behalf of a service account. :param boolean x_client_request_id_header: include x-client-request-id. `x-client-request-id` is a unique request ID. It is generated using uuid. Send this ID to the technical support team to help us find a specific request in the system and assist you. To get x_client_request_id_header use `Session.get_x_client_request_id()` method. :param boolean x_data_logging_enabled: A flag that allows data passed by the user in the request to be saved. By default, we do not save any audio or text that you send. If you pass the true value in this header, your data is saved. This data, along with the request ID, will help the Yandex technical support team solve your problem. :return: Session instance :rtype: Session """ if not isinstance(yandex_passport_oauth_token, str): raise ValueError( "yandex_passport_oauth_token must be string, but got {}".format(type(yandex_passport_oauth_token)) ) if len(yandex_passport_oauth_token) == 0: raise ValueError("yandex_passport_oauth_token can not be empty.") if not isinstance(folder_id, str): raise ValueError("folder_id must be string, but got {}".format(type(folder_id))) if len(folder_id) == 0: raise ValueError("folder_id must not be empty.") iam_token = get_iam_token(yandex_passport_oauth_token=yandex_passport_oauth_token) return cls(cls.IAM_TOKEN, iam_token, folder_id=folder_id, x_client_request_id_header=x_client_request_id_header, x_data_logging_enabled=x_data_logging_enabled)
[docs] @classmethod def from_jwt(cls, jwt_token, folder_id=None, x_client_request_id_header=False, x_data_logging_enabled=False): """ Creates Session from JWT token :param string jwt_token: JWT :param string | None folder_id: Id of the folder that you have access to. Don't specify this field if you make a request on behalf of a service account. :param boolean x_client_request_id_header: include x-client-request-id. `x-client-request-id` is a unique request ID. It is generated using uuid. Send this ID to the technical support team to help us find a specific request in the system and assist you. To get x_client_request_id_header use `Session.get_x_client_request_id()` method. :param boolean x_data_logging_enabled: A flag that allows data passed by the user in the request to be saved. By default, we do not save any audio or text that you send. If you pass the true value in this header, your data is saved. This data, along with the request ID, will help the Yandex technical support team solve your problem. :return: Session instance :rtype: Session """ if not isinstance(jwt_token, str): raise ValueError("jwt_token must be string, but got {}".format(type(jwt_token))) if len(jwt_token) == 0: raise ValueError("jwt_token can not be empty.") if folder_id: if not isinstance(folder_id, str): raise ValueError("folder_id must be string, but got {}".format(type(folder_id))) if len(folder_id) == 0: raise ValueError("folder_id must not be empty.") iam_token = get_iam_token(jwt_token=jwt_token) return cls(cls.IAM_TOKEN, iam_token, folder_id=folder_id, x_client_request_id_header=x_client_request_id_header, x_data_logging_enabled=x_data_logging_enabled)
@property def header(self): """ Authentication header. :return: Dict in format `{'Authorization': 'Bearer or Api-Key {iam or api_key}'}` :rtype: dict """ if self._auth_method == self.IAM_TOKEN: h = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {iam}'.format(iam=self._credential)} elif self._auth_method == self.API_KEY: h = {'Authorization': 'Api-Key {api_key}'.format(api_key=self._credential)} else: return if self._x_client_request_id is not None: h.update({'x-client-request-id': self._x_client_request_id}) if self._x_data_logging_enabled: h.update({'x-data-logging-enabled': 'true'}) return h @property def streaming_recognition_header(self): """ Authentication header for streaming recognition :return: Tuple in format `('authorization', 'Bearer or Api-Key {iam or api_key}')` :rtype: tuple """ if self._auth_method == self.IAM_TOKEN: h = tuple(('authorization', 'Bearer {iam}'.format(iam=self._credential),)) elif self._auth_method == self.API_KEY: h = tuple(('authorization', 'Api-Key {api_key}'.format(api_key=self._credential),)) else: return if self._x_client_request_id is not None: h = h + tuple(('x-client-request-id', self._x_client_request_id,)) if self._x_data_logging_enabled: h = h + tuple(('x-data-logging-enabled', 'true',)) return h @property def auth_method(self): """Get auth method it may be `Session.IAM_TOKEN` or `Session.API_KEY`""" return self._auth_method
[docs] def get_x_client_request_id(self): """Get generated x_client_request_id value, if enabled on init, else `None`""" return self._x_client_request_id